
Reading Time: 31 minutes
Mastodon on AWS: Running on AWS
#mastodon #infrastructure as code #pulumi #aws #fsharp

This post is the second part of a series of two articles on deploying and running a Mastodon instance on AWS.

Reading Time: 8 minutes
Pulumi, CloudFront & Lambda@Edge: Deployment
#infrastructure as code #pulumi #aws #fsharp #ci/cd #github actions

This post is part of a small series of articles on using Pulumi to leverage CloudFront and Lambda@Edge for on the fly image resizing.

Reading Time: 7 minutes
Pulumi, CloudFront & Lambda@Edge: Infrastructure
#infrastructure as code #pulumi #aws #fsharp

This post is part of a small series of articles on using Pulumi to leverage CloudFront and Lambda@Edge for on the fly image resizing.

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Pulumi, CloudFront & Lambda@Edge: Introduction
#infrastructure as code #pulumi #aws #fsharp

After writing my first article about my first steps in F#, I thought about what project I would like to tackle next.

Reading Time: 8 minutes
First Steps in F#
#functional programming #fsharp #dotnet

I have wanted to dive into functional programming for a long time now. In my first job as a professional developer, I developed with C# and .